Monday, June 21, 2010



1. an inspiring or animating action or influence.
2. a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul.
3. a pain in the ass.

We all need it. Most of us want it. But the more we need and want it, the harder we search for it, and the harder it seems to be to find. The problem with inspiration? We're always trying to mold it around what we think we want it to be. The funny thing about inspiration? We don't find it, it finds us. We look in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons and miss all the little ways it's trying to mold us into what we are supposed to be.
Now, before someone stamps a huge "Captain Obvious" on my forehead I will admit that like most people I've been aware of this conundrum on some level for most of my life. Whether you're trying to write a term paper or just trying to get out of bed, we've all struggled for inspiration only to find it the minute we finally stopped consciously thinking about it. It wasn't until recently, however, that this really hit home for me regarding "the bigger picture." So when my most recent inspiration - this blog - knocked me upside the head I figured I had better follow up on it.

It came during a little two day excursion to Madison, WI that my wife and I were on with my sister and her boyfriend. The purpose of the trip was to see a show featuring a guy that had become a bit of a hero of mine in the last year and a half, but it was the culmination of everything that happened over that 36 hour period that inspired me to start this blog. The cosmic lining up of events that had to take place from beginning to end is a bit mind boggling if you start to over think it (which I usually do with most things, so we should be good to go). I won't get into much detail now as a near future post will fully cover the trip that will forever be know as Prude, Nudes, & the Fall of Zane Lamprey. All you really need to know for now is that even though the hero fell and we were ocularly assaulted by 75 - 100 naked people on bicycles, we were still able to Eat, Drink & be Merry.

1 comment:

  1. It has been my experience that inspiration can be found in a hot tub after 20 minutes or so.
